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We Advocate for Patient Input

On this page, you can too!

Talk to the FDA! Deadline 11:59PM EST.


As part of the Patient-Focused Drug Development, FDA is obtaining patient and patient stakeholder input on the symptoms of alopecia areata that matter most to patients and on current approaches to treating alopecia areata.

Topics Choices

Health affects and daily impacts that matter most to patients

  1. Of all the symptoms or disease manifestations that you experience because of your condition, which 1-3 symptoms or manifestations have the most significant impact on your life?
  2. Are there specific activities that are important to you but that you cannot do at all or as fully as you would likebecause of your condition?
  3. How do your symptoms and the their negative impacts affect your daily life on the best days? On the worst days?
  4. How has your condition changed over time? Would you define your condition today as being well managed?
  5. What worries you most about your condition?

Patients’ perspectives on current approaches to treatment

  1. What are you currently doing to help treat your condition or its symptoms?
  2. How well does your current treatment regimen control your condition?
  3. What are the mot significant downsides to your current treatments, and how do they affect your daily life?
  4. What specific things would you look for in an ideal treatment for your condition?
    • What would you consider to be a meaningful improvement in your condition that a treatment could provide?
    • What factors do you take into account when making decisions about selecting a course of treatment?

My Comment for the FDA

Our submissions page to Talk to the FDA via the Bald Girls Do Lunch impact statement is now closed.

You may enter your comments through 11:59 pm eastern, November 13, 2017 directly to the FDA here.


The FDA is the United States Food and Drug Administration agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.