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Alopecia Areata Support Network

Women With Alopecia Areata Support Network Blog

Let's Do Lunch for People with Alopecia Areata in Pennsylvania

Posted by Thea Chassin

April 18, 2023 at 3:08 PM

Hello Blog Readers!

Are you near State College, PA this Friday, April 21st?

Let's Do Lunch!

Join me and our guest, Deja McClendon, a Bald Girl and professional volleyball player.

Deja will share her experiences with alopecia areata from the first patch at 12 years old to becoming a bald and bold professional athlete with the Athletes Unlimited League (USA).

Like many of you, she knows the challenges, the beautiful moments and everything in between.

RSVP required

Quick link to lunch tickets HERE.



Topics: women living with alopecia, alopecia support, alopecia areata, talk about alopecia, alopecia support in Pennsylvania