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Alopecia Areata Support Network

Women With Alopecia Areata Support Network Blog

New Alopecia Research Opportunity. Thank you, participants! Recruitment is now closed.

Posted by Thea Chassin

May 18, 2020 at 9:06 PM

Do you have or known someone with alopecia interested in taking part in psychological research?

Ms. Paige Clarke-Jeffers announces the enrollment of Black women with all forms of alopecia areata in her research project: "Black Women's Experiences of Living with Alopecia" at Birmingham City University, United Kingdom. The study is for her Masters of Health Psychology dissertation.

Candidates for the confidential interviews meet these criteria:

  • You are Black or Dual-Heritage
  • Age 18 or over
  • Female or identifying as female

Step 1: Review the project summary here and start here. A Word doc of the Participation Information is located here.

Step 2: Notify the researcher that you are interested in completing the short demographic form. Send an email to Paige.Clarke-Jeffers@mail.bcu.ac.uk with message: "I would like to arrange an interview time with you and my preferred interview method is SKYPE or Microsoft Teams." (choose one)

Step 3: Check your inbox, spam or gmail update or promotions folders for Paige's reply.

More About the Study: Black Women's Experiences Of Living With Alopecia

This study will be asking you to discuss your experiences of living with alopecia which will be conducted through a one-to-one interview. Your participation is voluntary, and you will be free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason.

Your personal data will be collected for the purposes of the research study including age, ethnicity, gender and audio recordings. These will be processed in accordance with the Information Sheet.

Your data will be confidential and stored on secure university servers.

Your data will only be used by the investigators for research purposes.

The study findings will be submitted as part of a dissertation project. They may be presented at conferences and/or written up for publication in an international journal.

You will be screen recorded for the interview unless you notify the researcher via email that you only want to be audio-recorded.


Topics: alopecia medical resources, research for alopecia treatment, alopecia research, alopecia areata