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Bald Girls Do Lunch


Alopecia Areata Support Network

Women With Alopecia Areata Support Network Blog

How to Afford the Alopecia Areata Wig

Posted by Thea Chassin

October 27, 2015 at 6:00 AM

How to Afford the Wig I Want

Wigs, Wallets and Choices. Oh My!

As a women with alopecia areata, you want and deserve great wigs. Bald Girls Do Lunch presents a 3-part series to bring alopecia wigs into your life sooner than you thought possible.

Priorities and Planning

A superior-quality cranial prosthetic can go for thousands of dollars. The costs can seem unreachable. Often, insurance does not cover costs for women who suffer from alopecia areata because the devices are considered cosmetic. But, with some determination and planning, you can cover the cost on your own using your own resources. 
Buy Alopecia Makeup

Where Does Your Money Go?

Most of us do not have a realistic idea of how we really spend. This is why spending a week or so tracking every expenditure can be an eye-opening enterprise. You might learn that you are dropping far more money into the vending machines at work than you ever imagined. Or, that your takeout habit is far more advanced than you'd thought.


Tools at Your Fingertips 

There are many tools available that you can use for tracking. Apps for your phone can make it easy to make a quick note each time you take out your wallet. Directing 100% of your spending through one specific debit or credit card is another way to get information, although it may not be as detailed. Some people find that the most efficient tool is also the most primitive: a simple notebook and pen used to jot down every expense. When you are tracking, try to be as detailed and accurate as possible. Record every quarter inserted into a parking meter and every swipe of your card at the checkout.

"Setting priorities isn't just financially savvy. It's a way to better ensure you are living a life that fits your personal beliefs."

Time to Compare

How closely does your spending line up with your personal priorities? Chances are, there are a lot of things that are eating up your money that aren't really the things that are most important to you. After the tracking exercise, look at each category of spending. Do you rate your morning coffee from your favorite barista an eight in pleasure and importance, or is it more like a two? If it's important, can you get by doing it twice a week instead of five? By identifying the least painful places to cut, you can find easy ways to start building up your bankroll for the right wig.

Which Wig Is Best?

This is a surprisingly personal question, and there is no wrong answer. Again, it is time to write down your highest priorities. Do you value comfort? A realistic texture? Is saving a few dollars buying online worth losing the opportunity to do an in-person fitting in a store or in a home demonstration? Figure out what you need in a wig and what you can happily do without. What matters to you most?

Setting priorities isn't just financially savvy. It's a way to better ensure that you are living a life that fits your personal beliefs. And, when that lifestyle also makes it possible to get the prosthetic that makes you feel best, that's just a bonus. 

READ PART 2:  How do I afford the wig I want?

READ PART 3: Affording the wig with a personal plan of action.

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Share in the space below or contact us BaldGirlsDoLunch.org with stories about your wig finance experiences.

Topics: coping with alopecia, wigs for women, alopecia wigs